Emmy Ann Wooding - Old Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Thread

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According to an obituary in the L.A. Times, Emmy Ann Wooding, who died on October 24, 2004 in a car accident at age 57, worked at Universal Studios Television for thirty-seven years and was a longtime assistant at Wolf Films.

Okay, I have no idea who "Emmy Ann Wooding" is, but it seems unfortunate that an episode we've all pegged as "Emmy bait" was named in her memory. I'm just sayin' ...

What I'm worried about from next week's promo isn't so much the "Elliot is insensitive" stuff (I've got my better third to worry about that for me!) but the "Dramatic Courtroom Ending." At least this week we managed to escape any painful scenes of Casey at the Bar. (we just got 45 horrifying seconds of Casey bustin' out all over ...)

PS: Does an ineffectual "Olivia!" count as a Drink!worthy moment? Liv wasn't going after the woman physically, so I suppose it's not quite so bad that Cragen didn't really reign her in. On the other hand, the timing in that scene was really awkward. FooFoo waited patiently until Liv was done delivering her monologue, and interjected right after. Way to make it obvious that you're working from a script! It was so obvious, it was like something Elisabot would do.


Malloy said...

How incredibly pathetic. Do you have a life now?

Anonymous said...