April Fools Day Pranks, pranks, april fools pranks, april fools day, school pranks, april fools day jokes
A school prank is any of several common pranks performed by children or young adults. The pranks may occur in or away from school, or in any peer group setting, such as a military barracks, or between siblings.
The effect and intent of school pranks may range from everyday play and consensual bonding behavior to bullying or even assault, including sexual assault.
Backpack flipping
Backpack flipping, also called "burritoing," "nuggetting," "nugging," "turtling," or "skinning," is the act of removing the contents of someone else's backpack, turning the backpack inside-out, placing the shoulder straps inside, replacing all the contents inside the backpack, and zipping it back up. The subsequent shape of the backpack resembles a nugget, burrito, or turtle shell.[1]
Flat tire/flat foot
The heel of the victim is trod upon, which may cause the victim to stumble. Stepping on the rear portion of the shoe as the foot lifts and thereby removing it is also a "heels" variant known as a "flat tire". A variant is to kick their heel forwards as it lifts.
Hertz Donut
This prank fools the victim into giving their permission to get punched. The prankster approaches the chosen target with a closed donut or pastry box and asks "Would you like a hertz donut?" If the target says yes, the prankster then strikes them in the arm without any warning and asks "Hurts, don't it?"(pronounced "donut").
Indian burnThe victim's forearm is grasped firmly in both hands, then the hands are twisted in opposite directions around the victim's arm, causing friction burns. Known as a "Chinese burn" in the UK. Also called an Indian sunburn, Indian rope-burn, Indian rugburn, or Snake bite.
Kick me
A note (commonly reading "Kick me") is attached to the back of an unsuspecting victim. This prank may be performed with post-it notes or other stickers.
"Mooning" is displaying one's bared buttocks to someone, so-called because the buttocks are generally not suntanned, so resembles a full moon. It is commonly performed out of windows of moving buses and cars.
Nipple cripple
Also known as a "nipple twist", "nipple gripple", "titty twister", or a "(purple) nurple", it is the act of taking a person's nipple between the thumb and forefinger and then twisting it around roughly. On August 8, 2005, David Thumler, a 15-year-old living in Gold Hill, Oregon , was charged with a misdemeanor for doing this act to 13-year-old Matthew Cox. Thumler was fined US$67 and given three days of community service.
Sometimes called a Dutch Rub, Monkey Scrub or Russian Haircut, noogies are performed by placing the victim in a headlock and using the middle knuckles of the fore and middle fingers to cause friction by rubbing them across the surface of the skull quickly and firmly.
Pantsing (also debagging, depantsing, shanking, skanking or dacking in Australia and kegging (in The United Kingdom)) is the act of pulling down a person's pants (trousers in The United Kingdom). The most common method is to sneak up behind the intended victim, grab the pants', shorts', or skirt's waistband, and apply a quick downward tug before the victim is aware of the "debagger's" presence.
Shoe laces
This prank involves the tying of a victim's shoe laces together, typically while the victim is seated and distracted. The laces may also be tied to a nearby object such as a chair leg, or cut with scissors. Inducing victims to run after tying their laces together may cause them to trip.
Short sheeting
A prank done at boarding schools, camps or on excursions where children sleep in full beds (also common in the military). A bed sheet is untucked at the foot end of the bed and folded toward the head, making it look as if it is two sheets (an undersheet and top sheet). The victim will find that he or she cannot get into bed (as doing this "shortens" the bed length). Known as an 'Apple-pie bed' in the UK.[2]
In a variant of the 'apple-pie bed', described in "The Reverent Wooing of Archibald," a story by P.G. Wodehouse, the upper and lower sheets are sewn together and a spiny plant inserted in between to keep company with the victim as he slips himself in between.
A "spitball" is a clump of paper that the prankster has chewed and steeped in his or her saliva, to be thrown, spit, or blown at a person or object. Spitballs are often propelled by placing them in a straw or disassembled hollow pen and blowing them out the other end.
The act of holding the victim upside down with his or her head in the toilet bowl, and flushing. Typically perpetrated by two or more older, larger individuals. Can result in injury and charges being filed.[3] More commonly known as bogwashing in the U.K., or dunnyflushing in Australia.
A thumbtack is placed on a chair, with the point upwards, causing the victim pain when he or she sits down.
Towel snap
Also known as a "Rat-Tail" or "Rat-Tailing", the prankster twists a towel along the diagonal (typically dampened to hold its shape), making it into a whip with a towel corner at the tip. The prankster then "snaps" the towel as if cracking a whip, striking the victim with the tip of the towel and causing pain.
A wedgie is any one of a variety of pranks involving pulling the victim's underwear up so that it wedges between the buttocks. A wedgie may be performed by one attacker, or by a group. On April 6, 2006, Fox News reported on an Albany, New York teacher who was arrested for endangering the welfare of a child for giving a 10-year-old student a wedgie.
In 2007, eight-year-old Jared and Justin Serovich came up with "wedgie-proof" underwear at the Central Ohio Invention Competition 2007 where their invention got them into the finals.
Wet willy
Usually performed on a sleeping or otherwise unsuspecting person, the perpetrator of a wet willy wets his or her finger with saliva and inserts it into the ear of the victim.
List of school pranks
April Fool! The Purpose of Pranks
April Fools Day Pranks, pranks, april fools pranks, april fools day, school pranks, april fools day jokes
Keep it above the belt, stop short of total humiliation and, if possible, mix in some irony, some drama, maybe even a bogus call from the person’s old flame or new boss. A good prank, of course, involves good stagecraft. But it also requires emotional intuition.
“You want to play on people’s weaknesses or dislikes, but not go too hard,” said Tommy Doran, a fireman and paramedic in Skokie, Ill., who as a rookie in Montgomery County, Md., was lured into the station’s kitchen and blasted with multiple cream pies. “For me it’s just the sort of dark humor we use to cope with the job and each other. Nothing dangerous or illegal.”
Psychologists have studied pranks for years, often in the context of harassment, bullying and all manner of malicious exclusion and prejudice.
Yet practical jokes are far more commonly an effort to bring a person into a group, anthropologists have found — an integral part of rituals around the world intended to temper success with humility. And recent research suggests that the experience of being duped can stir self-reflection in a way few other experiences can, functioning as a check on arrogance or obliviousness.
The 1960s activist and prankster Abbie Hoffman reportedly divided practical jokes into three categories. The bad ones involve vindictive skewering, or the sort of head-shaving, shivering-in-boxers fraternity hazing that the sociologist Erving Goffman described as “degradation ceremonies.” Neutral tricks are more akin to physical punch lines, like wrapping the toilet bowl in cellophane, depositing a massive pumpkin on top of the student union building, or pulling some electronic high jinks on a co-worker’s keyboard (though on deadline this falls quickly into the “bad” category).
What Hoffman called the good prank, which humorously satirizes human fears or failings, is found in a wide variety of initiation rites and coming-of-age rituals. The Daribi of New Guinea, for example, have children make a small box and bury it in the ground, telling them that after a while a treasure will appear inside but they must not peek, according to Edie Turner, a professor of anthropology at the University of Virginia.
Invariably the youngsters succumb to curiosity — only to find a sample of human feces.
The Ndembu of Zambia have an adult in a monstrous mask sneak and scare the wits out of boys camping outside the village as part of a coming-of-age ritual in which they are showing their bravery.
“These kind of tricks are very common,” Dr. Turner said, “and they are really a way to put a person down before raising them up. You’re being reminded of your failings even as you’re being honored.”
Jonathan Wynn, a cultural sociologist at Smith College, said pranks served to maintain social boundaries in groups as various as police departments and sororities. “And you gain status by being picked on in some ways,” he said. “It can be a kind of flattery, if you’re being brought in.”
In a paper published last year, three psychologists argued that the sensation of being duped — anger, self-blame, bitterness — was such a singular cocktail that it forced an uncomfortable kind of self-awareness. How much of a dupe am I? Where are my blind spots?
“As humans, we develop this notion of fairness as a part of our self-concept, and of course it’s extremely important in exchange relationships,” said Kathleen D. Vohs, a consumer psychologist at the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Vohs and her co-authors, Roy F. Baumeister of Florida State University and Jason Chin of the University of British Columbia, propose that the fear of being had is a trait that varies from near-obliviousness in some people to hypervigilance in others.
The researchers had 55 men and women play a computerized cooperation game and demonstrated that participants who felt they had been burned would go over the experience in their heads, playing out alternative versions of how they might have behaved.
“Being duped holds up this mirror to people,” Dr. Vohs said, “and may in fact show them where they are on the scale” — too trusting or too vigilant. Paranoia, too, has its costs, and it can sour relationships.
Running back the tape mentally, in this case meditating on how an embarrassing event might have turned out otherwise, is known to psychologists as counterfactual thinking. “The feeling of ‘I should have known better’ is the sort of counterfactual that serves to highlight your own shortcomings,” said Neal Roese, a psychologist at the University of Illinois. “A good deal of research has shown that these counterfactual insights can kick-start new behaviors, new self-exploration and, ultimately, self-improvement.”
Those observations may not leap to mind if you just showed up in go-go boots and an Elizabeth Taylor wig to a bogus 1970s cross-dressing party. Or if you fell for the e-mail message announcing you had won an award and should forward a draft of your acceptance speech to a supervisor.
But a good prank is, in the end, a simulation of a crisis and not the real thing. And it serves as a valuable reminder that not every precious box contains precisely the treasure you might expect.
Be vigilant on April 1
April Fools Day Pranks, pranks, april fools pranks, april fools day, school pranks, april fools day jokes
TEACHERS, be warned. Tuesday is April Fools’ Day. And, mind you, it is a school day! Therefore, you can expect to be fooled at least once on that day. If you have enterprising students, be vigilant and be prepared for anything!
It amuses me – you know, this whole April Fools’ Day thing. Even as early as 5am (the time I usually get up) I have to be wary of what may be waiting for me on my innocent trip downstairs to the kitchen, or on my writing desk, or in the bag I take to school. With two giggly daughters at home, anything is possible.
But, at least, with them, there’s one thing I don’t have to worry about. Their pranks aren’t the harmful type. As I write this, I recall what I’d read about a precocious boy who had wrapped the toilet bowl with Saran wrap and waited to see his father’s reaction when he went to the bathroom. The joke worked because the son could bank on his father taking a leak without looking down, or switching on the bathroom light!
Who started it this April tomfoolery?
Hoaxes and jokes
On a website for creative ideas for teaching, Megan Crandall, herself a teacher, clarifies in a history lesson online that the celebration of April Fools’ Day is believed to have begun many years ago in France. The celebration dates back to an ancient New Year’s festival held on the vernal Equinox, March 21 – when nature “fools” mankind with fickle weather.
As she puts it, “This was the beginning of the new year according to the pre-Gregorian calendar. In France, when the implementation of the Gregorian calendar was changed, by Charles IX in 1564, the beginning of the new year was changed and celebrated on Jan 1.”
But, as we now know it, some people continued to celebrate the day on the first of April and over time, it became known as April Fools’ Day.
Meanwhile, ever reliable Wikipedia states that the traditions of April Fools’ Day are marked by “a commission of hoaxes and practical jokes” which include sending people on “fool’s errands”, the purpose being to “embarrass the gullible”.
Question: Are you the gullible type? If you are, then you’re very likely to be a victim of your students’ “errant” ways come Tuesday. As I said earlier, be prepared.
Even as I say this, I could very well add, “Look who’s talking!” You see, I have, despite my vigilance, been made an April Fool before and will, in all probability, get fooled again this year by my mischievous brats at school.
Of course, it doesn’t happen when the day starts because then, I am at my vigilant best. But, when I get caught up with lessons, that’s when I drop my guard and inevitably get fooled. Truly, by 10 in the morning, there will be times when I’d have clean forgotten what day it is.
Here are some things that have happened to me before.
Once, I went to my car after a student whom I did not teach (why did that make him so much more believable?) came up calmly and told me that my car lights were still on. Of course they weren’t.
Another prankster told me that the principal wanted to see me, and I rushed to the office. (At the back of my mind, I knew it could be a hoax. But what if it wasn’t? My frontal brain cortex refused to face the consequences of that.)
Good with details
I got news that my class register was wanted, and I believed it. Another time, I was informed that my husband was waiting to see me in the office. I ran down, wondering what had happened to one of my girls. (Students are very good withdetails – they’ll tell you the exact make of your husband’s car, etc, so how not to trust them?)
I was even informed about a fictitious meeting after school and given an acknowledgment form to sign. A girl student even came up to me once and quietly whispered that one of my buttons was undone.I quickly checked my blouse.
Oh, those pranksters. How they laugh when they catch you out! Their incorrigible faces!
One thing I have noted about students. They’ll play their worst pranks on teachers they don’t like, but they won’t dare to laugh in front of their victim. Neither will they own up to their prank.
So, if they pull a fast one on you and dare to laugh right in front of you, you can be assured that you’re in their favour. You’re supposed to be the sporting type. Hah!
Still, come Tuesday, I’ll be on my guard. For instance, I’ll be suspici-ous when students choose to crowd around my desk (purportedly to have some concept explained to them). I’ll be cautious about turning my back to them (in case they stick some silly stuff there). And yes, I will check my chair before sitting on it.
Talking about guarding my back, I was rather aghast when I read that the French traditionally celebrated April Fools’ Day by placing dead fish on the backs of friends!
According to Wikipedia, in France the person fooled is known as poisson d’avri, a term derived from the fact that the sun quits the zodiacal sign of the fish in April.
A fishy story indeed! I guess that’s how the expression, “something fishy”, came about too.
Fortunately enough, the practice in France today is for children to stick fish-shaped paper cut-outs onto the back of their friends’ shirts. That’s so much better, don’t you think, than having smelly fish on your back?
Well, all I can say is this: “Forewarned is forearmed.” And, as I pen off, I certainly hope Mark Twain was not right when he defined April 1st as the day when “we are reminded of what we are on the other 364 days. God forbid!
April School--Pranks for Class
April Fools Day Pranks, pranks, april fools pranks, april fools day, school pranks, april fools day jokes
1.You'll need a little bit of lightly sticky glue for this one--I suggest simply using a glue stick and smearing it.Put the glue on someone's seat--imagine the trouble they'll have getting up!
2.Got any fake doggie doo?Any fake barf?Either will do for this gag.Simply set it somewhere--a chair,a desk,even the teacher's desk!
3.Ok,this requires a teensy bit of planning and some strong waxed dental floss.(I suggest that you twist two together.If you braid three,that will work even better.)You'll need two desks,preferably part of this shape.Each x is a desk.
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
Tie the floss between the legs of two desks,leaving the space in between them tied off.People will trip over the floss.You could also put a banana peel down.
4.This one is best for two people--one to watch for people coming,the other to throw stuff.(Water balloons or even regular balloons work great.)Then laugh.
A Penny For Your Thoughts
Pranks are good. I LOVE pranks.
Here is a prank you can do:
What you'll need:
A funnel
A penny
A glass of ice cold water
A victim
First, stick the little end of the funnel into your pants. Next, pretend you're playing a really fun game of trying to drop a penny off your chin and catching it in the funnel. Your victim will of course want to play. So you stick the little end of the funnel into your victim's pants. When your victim leans back to put the penny on his/her chin......you pour the water into the funnnel.
Is your victim laughing? If not, you'd better start running!
- D. Porter
Dry Ice Gag
get a small piece of dry ice, and a coin. when everyone's asleep, press the coin down on the dry ice. it'll make a loud screaming noise. everyone will wake up and look for the noise. by the time they get to
where you are, all the dry ice would be gone.
get a small piece of dry ice, an M&M minis tube, and some water. put the dry ice in the tube, and put a little bit of water in the tube. close the lid, let it sit, and it'll scare everyone half to death when the pressure of the dry ice and water make a loud popping noise. the lid will pop open, and the dry ice will fly across the room. you should do this prank while people are asleep. put the tube near them, without them seeing you.
- Julie G.
Go Fish, Goldfish
When you are at someone's house and they are having a party or people over, go to their main bathroom and put about a dozen goldfish in their toliet. This prank is hilarious because people won't know what to do. They either go to the bathroom and flush the fish or they let them stay in there until someone scoops them out and they will end up with a dozen goldfish!
- Smitley
The april fools practical jokes and gag gifts contained in this site are so funny that if I am drinking milk while checking these jokes out, I snort all that white liquid out my nose! Don't be one of the april fools, doggonit, check these practical jokes and gag gifts out! The practical jokes practically bring the house down! Down through history the fools of April have had their day, one day a year. See what those april fools have been up to and don't laugh with them, laugh at them.
- Walter Cronkite
April and her band of fools just love the tomfoolery on this site. From media hoaxes to pranks to gag gifts to practical jokes this site makes me laugh even when I'm in trouble with the law. Say, does anyone know if April is available because I would like to be her fool if you know what I mean. And if not does she have a sister?
- Bill Clinton
This April fools practical jokes and gag gifts pad is a jolly good site, indeed. I perused it over one time and laughed so hard it almost made me pee. Then a month later, I thought I would look up a few April fools practical jokes to play on dear young William (and even bought a few gag gifts) and I came back to this pad and laughed so hard I did pee my pants. Jolly good thing I am wearing Depends now days.
- Queen Elizabeth
It is not knowledge that is important, but rather imagination. And this April fools site is chocked full of imagination. And of course knowledge. Of course you can't deny the great gag gifts and practical jokes you find here, either. When I wrote my great theory I wasn't really thinking of great media hoaxes or fart jokes but yes, now I see that they too can apply. The jokes here are practical and the gifts make me gag. Would you like to see me slurp a loogie?
Eddie Einstein (Albert's little brother)
Funny April Fools Pranks
April Fools Day Pranks, pranks, april fools pranks, april fools day, school pranks, april fools day jokes
The History : April Fool's Day, is sometimes called All Fool's Day. The History behind April Fools Day is vauge to say the least. Some Historians think that April Fools Day (of sorts) started in France when on April 1, 1582 Charles IX introduced the Gregorian Calendar and moved New Year's Day to January 1st. However, news of this was spread slowly (no internet in those days!) and many of the people did not receive the news for several years. Therefore, some people celebrated New Years on April 1st and were called 'fools' by the more educated population who knew of the calendar change. It is said that Practical Jokes were often played on these so called April fools. Some deduce that the tradition of prank-playing on April 1st started in this way.
There are many types of Pranks played on April Fool's Day ranging from the basic prank phonecall to more advanced pranks. Remember, if you are playing a prank on April 1st - once the prank has been delivered, to shout April Fool !!.
These are some pranks and jokes ideal for April Fools Day.
1. Ring your friend before he / she goes to work and say " I'm so sorry to hear you got fired ! " - Act surprised they didn't know yet.
2. Wet a tissue with milk and run around holding the tissue to your eye pretending you stuck your pen in your eye, when somebody comes close, squeeze the tissue to make the Milk spurt out all over the place.
3. Place Cling-film over the toilet seat - an old prank but a good one !
4. Ring your friend and pretend to be from the local GPs office. Tell them they might have Newcastles Disease ( a chicken disease - don't tell them that ).
5. Sign somebody up to an embarrasing email newsletter.
6. Go around the office and tell random people that a particular person (e.g. your friend) wanted them to drop over at 11am - they will be surprised when 50 people drop around to their cubicle at once.
7. Start a rumour that your company is being taken over and loads of staff will be made redundant. Watch the onset of panic.
8. Put loads of Pencil (scribble and really build up the graphite) on a piece of paper and then rub around the eye and upper jaw. Then go around the office and say you were hit beacuse you didn't get the report in on time.
9. Advertise your bosses job in the local newspsper - (Great if you want to get fired !).
10. Get a universal remote control and turn the volume up on all the TVs in your local TV shop, while standing nearby. Try be covert so you can keep doing it.
11. If you are a manager or have employees under you, send people looking for made up items such as the dehydrated water, the hydraulic cement humidifier, the double sided transperencies, a fallopian tube, the blunt knife, a glass hammer.
12. If you work in a restaurant, tell all employees that due to new fiar trade regulations, each serving of fries or chips must contain exactly 257 pieces.
13. During lunch, say to your friend, "Sorry to hear about your partner, (pause) I suppose you had to find out about the affair sooner or later - the whole office knew about 2 months ago.".
14. Use a 3M Post-it notes placed underneath someones's computer mouse - ensure that it covers the ball or the optical sensor on the bottom. When they go to use the mouse, it won't work! On the 3M Post-it simply write April Fool!.
15. Get access to another person's office, cubicle or room, and move the entire contents of it to another location or even just outside the door. Another variation is to turn all objects in the room the opposite direction.
16. Do a few replacements ... Substitute Gravy instead of coffee granules !
17. If your last one out of the office, empty multiple packs of Jello or Gelatine into the Toliets - the result next morning will be fun !
18. Break a chilli pepper and rub it a few times on mugs and cups .. adds spice to the daily cup of coffee.
19. If you have a digital camera, take a picture of the toilet, then plug in your digital camera into a PC or TV (using TV-out) and get the picture on screen. When you see people coming out of the toilets, start laughing out loud and pointing. The person will come and see the picture and think you saw them in there !
20. Switch the signs for Mens and Ladies toilets ... watch the fun !
April Fools Day Pranks
April Fools Day Pranks, pranks, april fools pranks, april fools day, school pranks, april fools day jokes
April Fool's Day is the opportunity to trick your friends or loved ones and even strangers and play practical jokes on them. Here are some out of the world ideas for you.
* Rearrange somebody's drawers or file cabinets in a different order and see them baffled.
* Hard boil an egg and place it in the regular egg carton the night before. In the morning, ask someone to help you make breakfast and beat the egg to make omelets. Hand them the hard-boiled egg and watch them trying to crack it!
* On the other hand, you may just glue the eggs to the carton and ask someone to hand them to you in the morning. As the victims struggle to take the eggs out of the carton, they break.
* There are lots of fantastic tricks for heavy sleepers. Some of the popular ones are:
* Draw funny eyebrows and moustache on their faces while they are asleep.
* o Place some whipped cream in their hands and tickle their nose with a feather.
* o Placing someone's hand while they are asleep in a bowl of cold water is a sure way to make them wet their beds.
* Go to office early by half an hour on April 1 and tape down the ball at the bottom of everybody's mouse. See everybody surprised to find out that nobody's mouse is working. Works only on scroll mouse.
* This one is to play Dr Dolittle. Tape a little walky-talky on your pet or hide it somewhere near where it is laying. Walk off to a safe distance where you can keep yourself hidden from others with the other piece. As soon as another family member tries to pick up or pat on the back of your pet, say in a gruff voice, "I hate you doing this to me." See them jump with fright and shock.
* Late at night, fill the hair-dryer with baby powder. Catch the expression of someone who has just washed his or her hair and turned it white by using the hair dryer.
* This can be done in class, office or home. Ask your friends, colleagues and siblings to perform particular actions together at the same pre-planned time like dropping their pencils at the same time, to tie shoelaces, to reboot their computers, to drink water or any such innocent actions. These synchronized actions are sure to surprise anybody who will wonder about what is happening.
* Good for teachers. Tell your students that you are just going to note the scores that they have got on their tests or exams and will hand out to them after an hour. Go to the room and them keep running out looking like very scared and tell them that the principal has just spilled coffee or ink on the test/examination papers and they will have to take them again. Note their reactions and exclamations. You can bet that the dullest of all students will loudly claim that they had done their best this time and it is not fair to them. Then you can tell them how much they have really scored.
Bill Keightley Passes
Bill Keightley, lexington herald leader, wkyt, knoxville marathon, lexington herald, knoxville marathon 2008 results
This will go down as one of the saddest days in UK basketball history, equalling to the day we lost Cawood Ledford. Longtime equipment manager Bill Keightley passed away today after falling off a bus at Cincinnati's Great American Ballpark. He was attending opening day with a group of people.
Keightley was rushed to University of Cincinnati hospital where he died from internal injuries during his treatment.
Keightley was the UK equipment manager since 1962 and was 81 years old.
UPDATE: The Cat's Pause's Darrel Bird is reporting that Bill Keightley died of internal bleeding caused by an undiagnosed tumor on his spine.
The bleeding is thought to have began Monday afternoon according to the report. Doctors were unable to stop the bleeding which led to his death at 7:45 pm.
Some pranks and jokes ideal for April Fools Day
These are some pranks and jokes ideal for April Fools Day.
1. Ring your friend before he / she goes to work and say " I'm so sorry to hear you got fired ! " - Act surprised they didn't know yet.
2. Wet a tissue with milk and run around holding the tissue to your eye pretending you stuck your pen in your eye, when somebody comes close, squeeze the tissue to make the Milk spurt out all over the place.
3. Place Cling-film over the toilet seat - an old prank but a good one !
4. Ring your friend and pretend to be from the local GPs office. Tell them they might have Newcastles Disease ( a chicken disease - don't tell them that ).
5. Sign somebody up to an embarrasing email newsletter.
6. Go around the office and tell random people that a particular person (e.g. your friend) wanted them to drop over at 11am - they will be surprised when 50 people drop around to their cubicle at once.
7. Start a rumour that your company is being taken over and loads of staff will be made redundant. Watch the onset of panic.
8. Put loads of Pencil (scribble and really build up the graphite) on a piece of paper and then rub around the eye and upper jaw. Then go around the office and say you were hit beacuse you didn't get the report in on time.
9. Advertise your bosses job in the local newspsper - (Great if you want to get fired !).
10. Get a universal remote control and turn the volume up on all the TVs in your local TV shop, while standing nearby. Try be covert so you can keep doing it.
11. If you are a manager or have employees under you, send people looking for made up items such as the dehydrated water, the hydraulic cement humidifier, the double sided transperencies, a fallopian tube, the blunt knife, a glass hammer.
12. If you work in a restaurant, tell all employees that due to new fiar trade regulations, each serving of fries or chips must contain exactly 257 pieces.
13. During lunch, say to your friend, "Sorry to hear about your partner, (pause) I suppose you had to find out about the affair sooner or later - the whole office knew about 2 months ago.".
14. Use a 3M Post-it notes placed underneath someones's computer mouse - ensure that it covers the ball or the optical sensor on the bottom. When they go to use the mouse, it won't work! On the 3M Post-it simply write April Fool!.
15. Get access to another person's office, cubicle or room, and move the entire contents of it to another location or even just outside the door. Another variation is to turn all objects in the room the opposite direction.
16. Do a few replacements ... Substitute Gravy instead of coffee granules !
17. If your last one out of the office, empty multiple packs of Jello or Gelatine into the Toliets - the result next morning will be fun !
18. Break a chilli pepper and rub it a few times on mugs and cups .. adds spice to the daily cup of coffee.
19. If you have a digital camera, take a picture of the toilet, then plug in your digital camera into a PC or TV (using TV-out) and get the picture on screen. When you see people coming out of the toilets, start laughing out loud and pointing. The person will come and see the picture and think you saw them in there !
20. Switch the signs for Mens and Ladies toilets ... watch the fun !
Bill Keightley dies
Bill Keightley, lexington herald leader, wkyt, knoxville marathon, lexington herald, knoxville marathon 2008 results
It is with great sadness and sorry that I make this post right now. I was just informed over the phone that Mr. Wildcat, Bill Keightley, fell out of a bus and tragically died today at the age of 81.
WKYT has confirmed the comments that my friend has made. The obituary is below:
27 NEWSFIRST & WYMT Mountain News have learned Keightley was going to the Cincinnati Reds opening game Monday afternoon, when he apparently fell in some sort of accident while getting off a bus at Great American Ballpark.
He was rushed to the University of Cincinnati Hospital where he died during surgery late Monday evening.
Keightley started working at UK in 1962, as the equipment manager.
In 2002, the university presented the first Bill Keightley award. It's given to the "individual who understands and exemplifies the pride, respect, and the positive attributes associated with being a part of the Kentucky basketball program."
Keightley had been on the UK bench for nearly 2,600 games, meaning he's played a role in about 57 percent of their games.
This past season was his 47th with UK.
The Lawrenceburg, Ky. native has his jersey retired in the rafters at Rupp Arena.
Mr. Keightley will be missed by all of the Big Blue Faithful. Our condolences to his family as well as the University of Kentucky Wildcats and all the coaches and players that have gotten to know him over the years.
Keightley was a surprise guest this past week at the Charlotte Bobcats Arena.
Longtime UK equipment manager and "Mr. Wildcat" Bill Keightley was a surprise guest among the U of L faithful in Charlotte Bobcats Arena on Thursday night.
"He's never going to like Louisville; it's just not his makeup," Pitino said. "But he understands what friendships and people are all about.
"And I really appreciate that, because guys like Bill Keightley, they're your friends for life. And a lot of guys I thought were my friends back in those (UK) days haven't been my friends."
Here's a link to a post I had back in 2005.
Here's the complete obituary provided by the Athletic Department.
Statement by Lee Todd:
President Todd on the passing of Bill Keightley
"For many Kentuckians, and, indeed, for much of the country, Bill Keightley was not only the face of UK Wildcat basketball, but the University of Kentucky itself. In his five decades with the university, Mr. Keightley represented UK and the Big Blue Nation with class, with devotion and with an abiding love for our players and fans. He was as much a part of the basketball program as any player or coach. He was 'Mr. Wildcat.' An entire state tonight – from Paducah to Pikeville -- is mourning his passing and, I'm sure, remembering his family in prayer along with Patsy and me. It's my belief that in heaven he's already helping organize a game or two and telling stories of Wildcat lore to anyone who will listen."
On Monday, Bill Keightley was hospitalized in Cincinnati after falling while going to a Cincinnati Reds baseball game. He has since died frm his injuries. Write your condolences here for the University of Kentucky’s Mr. Wildcat.
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