American Idol 7 Top 8 Girls Review and Prediction

Tonight was American Idol's Top 8 Girls turn to perform songs from the 80's. Overall, they did better than last week, but still not as good as the guys. There wasn't one performance where I felt like it was exceptional or magical. The girls seem to be lacking some spark.

* Asia'h Epperson, okay performance of Whitney Houston's "I Wanna Dance with Somebody" - I didn't find anything special about it, but it wasn't horrible.
* Kady Malloy, better than last week, but still not very good. She sang Queen's "Who Wants to Live Forever" and perhaps she chose it because she thought it would match her more theatrical voice, but I don't think it worked for her.
* Amanda Overmyer, improvement from last week's disastrous performance, but I'm not sure if it was enough. This week she sang Joan Jett's "I Hate Myself For Loving You" - Simon loved it and said it was his favorite of the night.
* Carly Smithson, exceptional singer, but hated the song. I can't even remember the name of that song but I don't want to anyway.
* Kristy Lee Cook, butchered one of my favorite songs "Faithfully" by Journey. Paula thought her version could be a hit in country music. Ew, I think country listeners have better taste - don't they? I was surprised Randy liked it given that he's worked with Steve Perry. Simon said it was good but forgettable. I hated it.
* Ramiele Malubay, again another boring song choice "Against All Odds" by Phil Collins . Her performance wasn't bad, but nothing spectacular. She doesn't seem confident while performing. It's too bad because she has a strong voice and has failed to show it off.
* Brooke White, good version of Pat Benatar's "Love is a Battlefield" - Brooke is growing on me as each week, I like her a little more.
* Syesha Mercado, nice performance of Whitney Houston's "Saving All My Love" - I guess it was a Whitney night or something. I wish she would choose more interesting songs because I think she's a great performer.

My faves tonight: Brooke White and Syesha Mercado

My prediction for the two getting the boot: Kady Malloy and Amanda Overmeyer (however, I wish it were Kristy Lee Cook, but I think she has a following).

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