Obama passport history

Obama passport, obama passport breach, obama s passport, barack obama passport, obama passport file, breached

"The last time a Democratic presidential candidate’s passport records were rifled by a Republican administration – in 1992 – it led to a bigger investigation".
"Joseph diGenova, a former U.S. attorney in Washington, D.C., was appointed independent counsel in December 1992. Then, it was a high-ranking State Department official, acting assistant secretary for legislative affairs Steven K. Berry, who had gone through Clinton’s passport files during the election campaign".

Not surprising that when his happened before to Bill Clinton it was also during Bush administration, George H W Bush.

At this point, even though I'm an Obama supporter I'm starting to think that maybe it wouldn't be such a good idea for Barack Obama to become our next President, not because I don't think he'd make a great President but because I fear for his own personal safety.

I've always known that the Republicans were no good dirty rotten underhanded thugs but this takes the cake even for them.

We might as well face it, our election system is rigged, just like it was in 2000 and just like it was in 2004 and they're going to see to that McCain is "elected" President no matter what.

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