Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Today on Good Morning America, Maalak Compton-Rock was on speaking about triple negative breast cancer and the foundation that was begun by a group of women who were all affected by their friend who was afflicted with the disease.

There is a lack of knowlege about this disease. It is a breast cancer that is resistant to the typical courses of treatment that is recommended for breast cancer. It is important to create an awareness so that those affected by this type of cancer don’t waste critical amounts of time treating their cancer ineffectually, thereby decreasing their chances of survival. Many have the disease but, are unaware; and, could be better informed so that treatment could be tailor made to improve their success. This is the first time that i have heard of triple negative breast cancer and even then, i wasn’t clear on what i heard.

In fact, i believe that Robin Roberts made a casual remark that this is the type of cancer that she is dealing with; but, she made the comment in such a casual way that i am not sure.

Robin is a woman that goes out of her way not to draw attention to herself; but, she has made concessions in some areas that are important to her, such as her battle against cancer and her work on the rebuilding on communities that were devastated by hurricane Katrina. The allowances she has made are only in her quest to help draw attention to the issues at hand…not to herself.

Malaak does many good and charitable works. She is the beautiful wife of Chris Rock and together they are proactive in their charity fundraising and community work. She is passionate about the work she does and is dedicated to giving back. If you go to Malaak’s website at : you will find many worthy non-profit organizations to help support. They not only give money, but time and attention as well; it is an inspiration to us all to do the same.

In regards to the triple negative breast cancer awareness…her website gives access to the website for the foundation that was created in honor of her friend Nancy Block-Zenna. It was Nancy’s desire that a cure be found so that others did not suffer as she herself suffered from this disease. From her mouth to God’s ears. The foundation can be found at: Thank you Good Morning America, Robin Roberts and Malaak Compton-Rock and all of those doing research and healing in these areas; God bless you and your work.

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